Find the Best Platform to Sell Online Courses: A Guide

A man in a suit is looking at a laptop screen, exploring the best platform to sell online courses.

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Profitable Course Creation 

Proven Methods for Designing, Marketing, and Selling Online Courses

Deciding on the best platform to sell online courses can feel like navigating a labyrinth without a map. Selecting where to offer your online courses shapes not only the construction and promotion of your lessons but also molds the educational journey of your learners. From understanding transaction fees and pricing plans that affect your bottom line to leveraging marketing automation tools for boosting course sales, this post covers it all.

Delving into platforms like Kajabi, Teachable, and Udemy will reveal their distinct benefits designed to cater to various requirements. Diving into the world of generative AI, we’ll uncover its transformative role in crafting and sharing courses, highlighting how crucial fostering a vibrant online community is for your content’s success.

Navigating the swiftly changing digital terrain, we aim to arm you with the expertise necessary for excelling in marketing top-tier online courses.

Table of Contents:

The Explosion of Online Learning

Imagine a world where education is not confined to physical classrooms, but available at the click of a button. Now, what was once a mere figment of our imaginations has firmly rooted itself into the fabric of our daily lives. Since 2000, online learning has skyrocketed by an astounding 900%, and experts predict this figure will reach $237.1 billion by 2027.

A woman sitting at a desk with a laptop and books, using the best platform to sell online courses.

What’s fueling this unprecedented growth? Accessibility plays a huge role. Nowadays, with just a connection to the internet, people can immerse themselves in learning opportunities on sites such as Udemy, bypassing the need for physical classrooms and traditional schooling methods. It’s not just about convenience; it’s about breaking barriers.

This surge isn’t only beneficial for learners but opens up vast opportunities for course creators too. In this digital age, teachers can effortlessly market their courses online to a worldwide community keen on acquiring fresh abilities or enhancing their current ones, irrespective of time and place.

Choosing Your Platform: Key Considerations

The online learning market is booming, expected to hit $237.1 billion by 2027—a staggering 900% growth since the year 2000. With numbers like these, selling your courses online seems like a no-brainer. But here’s the catch: not all platforms are created equal.

Understanding Transaction Fees and Pricing Plans

Picking where to sell your digital wisdom isn’t just about finding a spot with snazzy marketing features or an easy-to-use website builder; it’s also about keeping more of what you earn. Let’s talk transaction fees and pricing plans because they can seriously eat into your revenue faster than my dog finds hidden treats.

A platform might offer free email marketing tools or even let you build sales funnels that could make Jeff Bezos do a double-take, but if their cut leaves you with peanuts, what’s the point? Take Udemy for example—they take a significant share from course sales unless students directly enroll through instructor coupons or links. Meanwhile, platforms like Teachable give creators control over their pricing structure and have different plans starting from free up to premium options depending on needs—with some tiers offering zero transaction fees.

Hence, it’s essential to thoroughly explore and juxtapose the cost frameworks of each platform alongside their offerings—such as built-in email functionalities for engaging students or robust analytical instruments—to make an informed decision on where to establish your online content ecosystem.

Top Platforms for Selling Your Digital Products

Embarking on the journey to sell digital creations, choosing an optimal platform is paramount. Here’s a look at some top contenders.


Kajabi stands out with its all-in-one approach. Kajabi simplifies the process for creators, enabling them to craft, promote, and distribute their courses on the web minus the tech headaches. From email marketing tools to website builders, Kajabi has it covered. Their plans might seem pricey at first glance but consider this: no transaction fees on sales. That’s more money in your pocket.

Kajabi also shines with its engagement features. They help keep students hooked through quizzes and discussions, making learning interactive and fun.


For those who prioritize ease of use, Teachable makes setting up shop simple. With their power editor, even beginners can craft beautiful course pages that captivate learners’ attention from day one. Teachable helps instructors offer both free and paid courses while supporting unlimited students across all plans. Plus, the platform takes care of EU VAT charges so that’s one less headache for sellers.


Udemy’s global marketplace offers unmatched exposure. With millions visiting Udemy monthly, your course gains visibility beyond what solo marketing could achieve. Yes, Udemy takes a revenue share, but think about it as paying for an army of marketers boosting your course’s reach. Like Skillshare, which compensates educators according to how much students interact with their courses, it underscores the critical nature of crafting engaging material that truly connects with those eager to learn.

Enhancing the Learning Experience Through Technology

Nowadays, tech has totally flipped the script on how we dive into e-learning, transforming it from a simple click-and-read affair to an utterly engaging journey. One platform leading this charge is Skillshare, known for its creative learning approach through project-based classes.

Skillshare harnesses AI features to personalize the learning experience, ensuring content relevance and enhancing student engagement. This tailoring of lesson content to fit individual needs and interests keeps learners hooked and eager to explore further.

The app they’ve developed makes it super easy for folks to jump into video tutorials anytime, anywhere, blending seamlessly with the hustle and bustle of daily life. The adaptability of this approach dismantles traditional obstacles to education, seamlessly weaving the acquisition of knowledge into the fabric of everyday existence.

In today’s digital age, platforms like Skillshare are invaluable in fostering an environment where creativity meets technology. By leveraging AI features alongside comprehensive mobile apps, these platforms ensure that every video lesson is not just a session but an adventure in knowledge that students can embark upon anytime, anywhere.

The Future of Course Creation With Generative AI

Generative AI is revolutionizing how we create and deliver online courses, making it easier for educators to craft engaging, personalized content. At the forefront of this innovation is Learndash, a platform that integrates seamlessly with WordPress, offering extensive customization alongside powerful AI features.

A man typing on a laptop computer, creating content for the best platform to sell online courses.

Learndash’s learning curve is gentle compared to its advanced capabilities. Ensuring a smooth journey for newcomers, this equilibrium allows rapid mastery of generative AI’s power to elevate educational materials and captivate learners. Learndash’s knack for dynamically tweaking educational content as it reacts to student input and critiques is truly what sets it apart.

With the growth trajectory of eLearning showing a 900% increase since 2000 and expectations reaching $237.1 billion by 2027, platforms like Learndash are essential for educators looking to stay ahead in an increasingly competitive market. By leveraging AI features effectively, creators can offer courses that not only stand out but also deeply resonate with their audience’s needs.

Mighty Networks – Building Community Around Your Content

When you think about the power of online courses, what often gets overlooked is the magic that happens outside the lessons themselves. This is where Mighty Networks shines by focusing on building community around your content.

An engaging digital community not only deepens knowledge acquisition but also cultivates a sense of belonging and dedication within learners. With Mighty Network’s suite of tools, course creators can easily integrate forums, groups, and events directly into their platform. These tools prompt students to engage deeply with peers and teachers, fostering a vibrant educational dialogue.

The beauty of a Mighty Network lies in its ability to create a sense of belonging among users. Mighty Networks thrives not merely on the passive absorption of information but fosters an interactive habitat where all members exchange knowledge, offer encouragement, and collectively foster development. This approach has proven essential for keeping students engaged over time and turning them into advocates for your brand.

Integrating Marketing Automation to Boost Course Sales

Selling online and leveraging affiliate marketing can significantly boost your course sales. But, let’s face it, doing all this manually is like trying to juggle flaming torches while riding a unicycle – possible, but not recommended.

Enter the hero of our story: marketing automation. By automating tasks such as email campaigns and paid ads, you’re not just saving time; you’re also creating a more personalized experience for potential students. Imagine sending an email that feels like it was written just for them because, in a way, it was.

Affiliate marketing takes this up a notch by turning your most satisfied students into brand ambassadors who promote your courses on their platforms. It’s like having an army of mini-marketers singing praises about your digital downloads or premium courses without adding extra workload on your plate.

To get started with integrating these powerful tools into your strategy visit Coursera, where partnerships with universities offer access to premium content and advanced promotional strategies that can help amplify your reach and drive enrollments.

The Role of Customer Support in User Retention

When it comes to selling courses, never underestimate the power of stellar customer support. Addressing issues is merely one facet; forging bonds that ensure students continually return for further enlightenment embodies the essence.

Imagine this: You’re on a platform, excited to dive into learning, but you hit a snag. The difference between shrugging off that course and becoming a loyal student often lies in the quality of support received. Platforms like Podia understand this dynamic well, offering comprehensive help options from their basic plan upwards.

Pricing plans play another crucial role here. These figures represent more than mere statistics; they embody pledges of worth and confidence shared between educators and learners. When these plans include responsive, helpful customer service, you’re showing your users they matter – which can dramatically improve retention rates.

Last but not least is understanding user needs within different pricing tiers. A one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t cut it anymore. Tailoring support levels across various pricing plans ensures every learner feels valued, regardless of how much they pay.

Creating engaging lesson content is akin to crafting a gourmet meal for the mind. It’s about blending the right ingredients—drip courses, a premium catalogue, and creative lessons—to keep learners coming back for more.

When you’re looking at course platform offers, think about how they support drip courses. By gradually unveiling your material, you maintain a tantalizing suspense that keeps learners eagerly anticipating each new piece. For example, platforms like Thinkific are designed to help you effectively implement this approach with ease.

Premium catalogues are another key ingredient in your recipe for success. These platforms provide a space to display your finest creations, captivating learners with offerings of superior quality that vow to revolutionize their educational journey.

Creative lessons are where your personal flair comes into play. Incorporating imaginative elements into every part of the curriculum not only engraves the information in students’ minds but also ensures that ideas resonate more deeply. Whether it’s through interactive quizzes or real-world challenges, making sure each lesson stands out is crucial in maintaining student engagement throughout their learning journey.

Evaluating Revenue Share Models in E-Learning Platforms

When you’re selling courses online, understanding the revenue share models of e-learning platforms is crucial. It directly affects your pocketbook.

Take Udemy for example. While it boasts a vast audience, ready to dive into your course content, Udemy takes a significant portion of your sales—sometimes up to 50%. This might be manageable if you’re looking to capitalize on their extensive reach without investing much in marketing. However, if you’re aiming for higher earnings from each sale, this model can be less appealing.

A notebook with graphs and a pen on the best platform to sell online courses' table.

On the flip side, Teachable offers more control over pricing and a better revenue split under its paid plans. Although there’s an upfront cost involved with these plans starting at various levels, creators get to keep most of their sales income which could lead to greater long-term profits especially when coupled with effective marketing strategies.

Kajabi emerges as another strong contender focusing not just on course delivery but also providing robust tools for creating websites and automating email campaigns—all aimed at boosting course sales without dipping too heavily into your profits thanks to its fair transaction fees structure.

To explore further about how these platforms can help maximize your earning potential while offering quality education experiences, ProProfs LMS provides insightful comparisons and detailed breakdowns worth considering before making your decision.

Leveraging Built-in Marketing Tools for Course Promotion

Harnessing the power of inherent marketing mechanisms can significantly enhance the visibility and appeal of your educational offerings. The built-in marketing tools provided by platforms like LearnWorlds are a game-changer for course creators aiming to boost sales without breaking a sweat.

Harnessing the power of integrated SEO features, your educational offerings ascend to prominence on search engine results, simplifying the journey for prospective learners to discover you. Imagine not having to spend extra on SEO experts because your platform has got you covered. That’s what these promotion tools do—they give your courses visibility where it matters most.

Email marketing features embedded within these platforms let you send targeted campaigns directly from your dashboard. Far from merely shooting off emails willy-nilly, this is about crafting the perfect note and timing its delivery to resonate with precisely those you aim to reach. And guess what? It doesn’t cost an arm and a leg.

Affiliate marketing functionalities open doors to partnerships that could amplify your reach exponentially. Think of this as turning satisfied customers into passionate ambassadors who spread the word far and wide—without requiring hefty advertising budgets.

In essence, leveraging these built-in promotion tools means more eyes on your courses with less effort and expense involved—a win-win situation for any course creator looking to sell online efficiently and effectively.


Finding the best platform to sell online courses isn’t just a choice; it’s a strategy. You learned about transaction fees, pricing plans, and marketing tools—all crucial for your success.

Platforms like Kajabi, Teachable, and Udemy stand out. Each serves different needs but aims to let you thrive in the digital education space.

Technology is key. Generative AI and engaging communities are changing how we teach online. Embrace these changes.

Keep in mind, the choices you make affect not just your earnings but also shape the way learners engage with their education. Choose wisely.

Thriving in the online course market means grasping its ever-changing nature—ensure you’re fully prepared to meet that challenge.

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Profitable Course Creation 

Proven Methods for Designing, Marketing, and Selling Online Courses

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Profitable Course Creation 

Proven Methods for Designing, Marketing, and Selling Online Courses